Its been ages since my last post here! Pardon me, because I have been very busy with my roller-coaster life that I feel too nauseous to post about it. Hahaha! Anyway, as a welcoming back post, I will be posting the pre-, intra- and post-celebration I had on my 24th.
Pre. A few hours before I become another year older, was a simple dinner with my duty group-mates at the hospital. I was supposed to be on night duty on the 23rd and supposed to be welcoming my birthday at the hospital, good thing I got myself a reliever! Anyway, we've shared a bucket of chicken and 2 tubs of ice cream on this dinner. Yes it was very simple, but this was where the "Its the thought that counts" entered.
Intra. April 24, 2016, I officially became 24 years old. I woke up at almost noon already (that's the thing with the use of Diphen), and I started the day with these greetings that my friends and family have sent me. And then I went on with the usual daily routine I have. My dad had a prior engagement for this day so we decided to have a celebration the next day. And since I was alone in the house today (my mom and sis are all in Malaysia as of now) and got nothing to do, I decided to visit my favorite place - the Carmelite Monastery of the Holy Family. No place beats the peace and solemness this place brings to me.
Late in the afternoon, my friends/groupmates invited me to a have an early dinner at Senora Carmen's Resto Garden, which was what I needed since I was alone on my day (so much for being an emo. Hahaha). No more forever-alone on my birthday!
I have the sweetest friends, since they brought me a cake, 2 cakes actually. I was a bit surprised and ecstatic with was written on the cake - "Djosa". Hahaha.

And so, we had our stomach be fulled by the scrumptious foods that we had ordered. No regrets for this cheat day, I was so full and enjoyed every bits of it, plus I've got myself a goody company.

Post. As what was decided, me and my dad had a simple dinner at Rustica Restaurant. This was a new restaurant, or so I think. With its wooden-themed interior, this restaurant has a relaxing environment with a classical feels.

We ordered just 2 dishes: Seafood Chopsuey and Chicken Cordon Bleu, which were pretty much enough (or should I say, more than enough) for me and my dad. The price was reasonable for the fact that they do have very good dishes.

This 3-day-celebration has literally become a food-filling one. I had a very simple celebration but with the people I spent this day with, was made it an extra special one. I am thankful for everyone who remembered, greeted and spent the day with me. And most of all, I thank God for the last 23 years He has given me. It may not be perfect, but I know everything is going according to His plan. Every bumps and smooth rides I have been through in the past is all part of His great plan. And now, another 365 days is laid out for me to explore and enjoy. Another 365 tracks will be added on my roller coaster ride to life. I will be enjoying every bits if it, appreciate every ups and downs, even if it'll sometimes make me nauseous, 'cause I know in the end everything will all be worth it. And I know, God will always be on my side, giving me strength and courage, all throughout this roller coaster ride.