Last Minute 2016 Goals
September 07, 2016
It has been years since I last made myself a yearly goal, which was way back on 2012 I think? Actually, that last yearly goal I made was on tumblr, where I actually started my mini-blogger-wannabe-persona. Why the sudden urge of some goal-digging?? I was actually wondering myself why l am doing this when in fact, quarter of the year had already passed. Maybe because for these past months, I felt like I was actually lost with what's happening to me and that surrounds me that I was living in a "just go with the flow" kind of life. I felt like I have literally nothing to look forward to. Maybe with these goals I've set myself into, I think, and I believe too, will actually give me some kind of a direction for the rest of this year and heck maybe, more of like a purpose for myself.
So here are my goals that I must dig for the rest of my 2016:
- Start my first overseas job and finally get back on track with my career. I am literally dying to start my nursing career again. 5 months have already passed since I last practiced my RN skills. I left my home country in hopes of finding better opportunity overseas as a nurse. Luckily, if everything goes well, I will start my job by the end of this year.
- Learn my 3rd language. Knowing the languages of Tagalog and English is not enough for me to survive in a foreign country specifically in the Middle East. I need to also learn, somewhat, the locals language which is Arabic. Although most of the people can speak English, still, it would be a good advantage to know the local's language. I know, if I can be exposed in my everyday life in an Arabic conversation, I can slowly learn it. Or maybe, I can find myself some friends to help me.
- Give back to my parents. Yes, one of the main reason that I started a new chapter of my life abroad is for me to give back what my parents have been giving me for the past 24 years of my life. For these years, all I do is just ask anything from my parents and wait for it to be given to me. But now, its time for me to spoil 'em and give them the life that I've wanted them to have.
- Fujifilm X-A2. I have been eyeing this camera for months now. I love its tilting LCD feature which makes taking a selfie a no problemo. Plus, it has its built-in WiFi connection that I can connect with my phone for easier transfer and obviously for uploading! Its 16.30 megapixel resolution makes it feel like using a DSLR camera, but less than the bulkiness. For a vain person like me, having this very vintage but cute camera is a must have. Not to mention the blog-worthy shots I'll be finally getting with this. I really want to get my hands on this baby!
- Have a clearer skin. I've been having an relentless battle with acne ever since I went out of the country to pursue my career. It may be from the stress I've been dealing with, the scorching hot weather of the Middle East, or the change of diet I've had, I really don't know why! But this has got to stop now, one way or another. I need to cope up and deal with these changes so that I can win this battle with acne once and for all!
- Explore. I was literally stagnant during my first 90 days in Qatar. If not for the job-hunting, I would not go out. I opted to just stay in the house and spent my days watching some of my favorite TV series. But that ends there. As I would be starting my new life again (this time,seriously), I cannot waste years of my life just crouching in the bed watching these flicks. Instead, I must start having an adventure, and enjoy the real-life flick that Qatar has to offer, may it be visiting museums and some tourist spots, trying some local Arab foods or mingling with people of different culture.
- Blog a bit more often. In an attempt to make this little personal blog alive and kicking, I must do blog posts, every once in a while. Posting everyday would be an overdo so maybe I think at least once a week would suffice. Oh boy, I hope I could keep this up.
- Be more optimistic and self-confident. For years now, I have been looking down upon myself. I don't actually believe on my own capabilities and more often than not, think the worst on what I do. Since I will be starting anew, might as well start changing myself too. I guess I should not let my negatron-self get the best of me. I may not "always" maintain a positive and a self-confident me, but at least for once in a while, I should try to be, right? Believe in yourself and everything else will follow, agree? Ahh! Easier said than done, I think. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try.
- Learn how to cook. Well, I did tried cooking some experimental ones before, but what I want are not just some experimental cooking or some easy-to-make dishes. I want to learn how to cook some complex dishes that I only see my mom cook, may it be Kaldereta or Carbonara. And I want others, not just my family, to appreciate and like my cook. So make way for the soon-to-be-Masterchef! **fingers-crossed
- Get back to books. I was really not a bookworm back then, but I do read books every once in a while. And then things distracted me that I closed the books and put it down. It wasn't until now that I realized how much I've miss it -- the limitless world it creates along with the awe-inspiring characters you get to meet. So, its time for me again to escape the real world and enter the realm that the books have to offer.
And there it is! I hope I can live up to these goals and achieve every single one of them. Ah! I can't wait to cross-out every goal I've accomplished! Maybe by the end of the year, I will check out if I've accomplished every single one of it.
So without further ado, let the goal-digging begin! And may the odds be ever in my favor!
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Air Itam Dam (Penang, Malaysia) |