We are surrounded by an army of gadgets nowadays. And in no doubt, it made everything easier and a lot more fun actually. Everywhere you look, you'll see electronic gadgets. Its like these new tech devices may be even growing faster than the human race! And by that, domination by these gadgets is no longer impossible. Hahaha!
But, admit it or not, we cannot actually generalize that every devices coming out of the market is really a necessity. It may have been that manufacturers have made these gadgets much more appealing than what it should have been. Not to mention the coolness meter that'll go way up high if you get your hands on one of these latest gizmos.
And I am one of those who joined the bandwagon of the gadget freaks. Well technicaly, "almost" a gadget freak. For me to be legitimately called one, I must have had every single latest gadget that has been out on the market and as you may have guessed it, I don't. So yeah, I may have just adopted the idea, but I do love gadgets though. I dread to own every single gadget coming out of now, but its just that my pocket won't allow me to.
So here are the gadgets I own as of now that I deem very valuable.
Mobile Phone and Smart Phones
I do have 3 cellular phones - iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and Cherry Mobile P7. You might have been thinking that owning 3 phones may be some kind of unreasonably lavish, especially for someone who doesn't really have that much of luxury to spend with. But I just couldn't let my i5 go, since this was the very first iPhone I got. I got it as a "congratulations gift" from my parents when I passed the nursing board exam last 2012. Besides, I've got lots of memories that I shared with this phone. And I think I would never ever let go of this old friend.
Then, why buy another phone you asked? Well, this is where my gizmo-hungry persona kicked in. I didn't actually need another phone as you may have known, I was just blinded by its big screen and its new sleek gold back-appearance. So, basically, I mostly use the i5 as my everyday phone and the i6 is for the camera, games and internet browsing.
**Thinking of the number of phones I've got, when "The Pulse" (from Stephen King's novel Cell) do come true, I may have been one of first to become the phone-crazies! Hahaha!
Power bank
My sis gave me this as a gift. This is a Xiaomi 16,000mAh Mi power bank that has two USB charging ports, which means I can charge two electronics at once. Brilliant, isn't it? I think I can fully charge my phone (using one port only) for 5 times at least. 5 times!! Can you imagine that??? hahaha. The downside though, this can be a bit heavy to carry.
Pebble Smartwatch
I bought this last year on Amazon. I really wanted to have a smart watch but could not afford the newly released Apple watch so I bought the Pebble watch instead which is way more affordable. And I regret nothing. It may not be colored nor touch screen but this watch does wonder. The watchface can be changed from analogue to digital to a much more cooler one like the actual wording of the time. I also get notifications from my phone to this watch - messages, email, instagram, etc. All I need to do is connect the watch to my phone via bluetooth. And yes, you can also install simple games like Tiny Bird (which is like the Flappy Bird), Tic-Tac-Toe, Hangman, among the few; and applications suitable for your needs like maps.
Asus Transformer
This is a hand-me-down from my sis, and I was so grateful she gave it to me. I use this for playing, watching movies, browsing the internet, listening to music and most specifically, editing my blog posts. I regard this mainly as a laptop since I don't have one. Yet.
Oh, and it is actually a tablet, so if don't feel like the bulkiness of the keyboard, I can just detach it easily and use this a stand alone tablet. Nice right?
Portable Hard Drives
Currently, I have two 1-TB hard drives, one is Seagate( I bought myself) and the other one is Dell(my mom gave me). I don't really have that much file to back up with but I do like to separate my files from personals, like photos and documents to entertainment like movies and songs. Plus, it wouldn't actually hurt to backup some of my important files into these to 2 HDs. I think it would be much safer. When the other HD got corrupted, I still have another one to use. That's what you call a backup plan! Hahaha!
Yi Action Camera
This is the latest addition to my gizmo collection. I bought this from my sis actually since she doesn't really use this much. It is kinda like the GoPro. It got 16mp wide-angle lens and WiFi connection for easier viewing and transfer of photos. I find this very useful, especially when taking selfies. It solved my problem on crowding the photos with just my face when taking a selfie. Well with this, I get to take a photo of myself plus a good shot of the background too. Check here for some photos I took with my Yi Cam on my day tour in Malaysia.
So you see, I don't actually own the latest of the gizmos, but I admit, I do own much more than what I necessarily need. I don't know, I just can't help it. I just feel like I have the need to buy myself these gadget for me to be able to keep up with the ever advancing world we're living in. I might even add another gizmo on this little collection of mine this year. Hahaha!